16 Apr 2024

Devastating Storm Nelson in Spain

When I talked to my friend Silvia on the phone a week before our trip she had everything ready for our arrival in Andalusia - the cozy little holiday house and a freshly cleaned and filled pool were waiting for us and the sun was shining at very pleasant temperatures. However, 2 days before our arrival the devastating storm Nelson broke with heavy rainfall and strong gusts that lasted for 6 days and drowned the whole of Spain including  southern Andalusia and all the famous ceremonial processions of the Holy Week - the so-called Semana Santa. 

It goes without saying that the enormous rain fall was more than welcome after several years of drought. However, the force of the storm caused casualties and the cancellation of the processions left many faithful in tears.

I had come to Andalusia to continue working on my photo project “Rio Tinto” but for the second time in a row (in November we had experienced heavy rain on the outskirts of Minas de Rio Tinto as well) the weather thwarted my plans: the Rio Tinto had turned into a dirty brownish big mud lake with lots of beige spray on top of it, the dirt roads that lead to the respective locations were soaked or totally eroded. Finally, after 7 days we saw the sun again.

So we tried to take it easy, enjoyed late Andalusian breakfasts and time and again I checked on various easily accessible locations hoping in vain that some of the water had drained and that the mud and the sediments had settled a bit. It was only towards the end of our stay that we ventured out to approach a few closer locations on the banks of a small affluent of the Rio Odiel where I could take some pics with my camera and my drone. Nevertheless I enjoyed my stay with Silvia and her family again very much and as far as my photo project is concerned - I just have to come back…


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