30 Sep 2020

In the Squirrels' Forest

There’s a little forest in the Allgäu where you can photograph curious and rather tame squirrels as well as Nutcrackers from a very close distance “in the wild”. During the week and outside school holidays there’s a good chance to do that in peace. 

On weekends and during school holidays particularly when the weather is fine the flocks of tourists that hit the forest can definitely put one’s patience to the test. They often bring their dogs which makes the squirrels stay away altogether or they carry along big bags full of peanuts at best but often even cookies, popcorn or other “natural” food to lure the squirrels onto their hands to get selfies with them…quite a hustle and bustle…after such an invasion the forest floor is covered with litter and leftovers and the droll little animals are sure to be lying in a comatose sleep in their drey to digest all the food…


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