24 Feb 2017

Winter Wonderland Iceland 1.0

Or: If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you!

To tell the truth: I’m not a real winter type, I don’t like it too cold, I hate slipping on icy ground and I’m afraid of getting lost in the dark. But I love the soft winter light, so I plucked up all my courage and decided to do a winter trip to Iceland. I took along lots of warm layers of clothing to protect me against the cold, crampons to save me from falling and the advice of that nice Norwegian guy Arild: “when you’re afraid in the dark, sing as loud as you can. It will help”

I had been fully aware that the weather in Iceland can be rough, challenging, sometimes crazy, but what the Icelandic weather gods put on stage for me exceeded my wildest expectations.

I had storms, heavy ones, one after the other. I got stuck in the north because all domestic flights had been canceled. I got stuck in the south because the ring road was closed due to heavy blizzards with gusts up to 70 m/sec. 

Time and again I couldn’t leave the house because it was impossible to stand upright outside. I got soaked from top to toe by pouring rain, I got soaked from toes to hips fighting my way through a meter of slush and I got completely soaked while running away from a monstrous sneaker wave on the black lava beach. 

 Snow showers took turns with rain, hail, sleet and sunshine. I froze my butt off in the middle of the night desperately waiting for some Northern Lights to dance…what they didn’t deign to do – not even once within 17 days…and still: all went well, I didn’t get lost, I had a wonderful time and I managed to dump some of my “winter fears” into the cold and grey Atlantic Ocean. By the way: my waders have become my favorite piece of clothing 😉.


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