2017 -2024

Gondola, Gondola - Bella Venezia 3.0 

I still remember my first visit of Venice very clearly: the first ride on the Vaporetto from Piazzale Roma to Ca‘ Rezzonico close to my hotel. I was inhaling the salty air just as much as the overabundance of all the visual impressions, the amazing architecture in such an opulence was absolutely overwhelming.

My first walks around Venice felt like being in a dream. I strolled around for hours,  never feeling any hunger or thirst, only absorbing this gorgeous place with all my senses…After ten years of visiting Venice I’m still fascinated - in a more quiet way, no longer breathless, no longer unable to wait and see what’s behind the next corner. 

In the course of the past ten years Venice has become quite familiar  - I know my way around the narrow lanes without consulting google maps, I have met friendly, very nice people which I still see on every visit and I have found favorite places to shoot, to go for dinner or coffee and so on.

And still today - every walk is a „voyage of discovery“. Venice never stops surprising me with new enchanting views and details and yet another nice bar with a friendly barista and some delicious snack. 

At the end of every stay I find that again I haven’t completely worked off my to do list - on the contrary: for every item „done“ I’ve added another new one to my list 😅 just to make sure I have a reason to come back…


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